
12 de abr. de 2024

AI-CE by Adriana Peliano

Imagens: Adriana Peliano & AI
Citações: Lewis Carroll
Produção: Sociedade Lewis Carroll do Brasil
São Paulo: Edição da autora, 2024.
124 pp. 20 cm x 20 cm. Capa dura


AI-CE vai sair na revista Knight Letter, da Lewis Carroll Society of North America.
Thanks to Mark Burstein, carrollian expert, editor and alicedelic white rabbit.
Adriana Peliano’s exhilarating AI°CE: Reimagining the Alice Books is a delightful yet haunting romp through Wonderland. Quotations from the work occasionally enhance the experience, but the sixty two-page spreads of images are the real story. She is a truly brilliant AI artist who has spent many hours on each image. The journey can be at times light and lovely or dark and disturbing, but always symbolic and surreal. No one who is reading these words is likely to experience Alice for the first time, but wandering through this book’s pages is probably as close as one can come. Highly recommended.
- Mark Burstein, Knight Letter 112 (Spring 2024), forthcoming

Leia no Kindle na Amazon, ou compre comigo o seu exemplar.
“Quem sou eu no mundo? Ah! Esse é o grande enigma.” Se Alice conta a respeito de quem somos, do que somos, da vida, do mundo, dos nossos caminhos iniciáticos, dos mergulhos, das sombras, das crises, das provas, dos pesadelos, dos obstáculos, das superações e da busca incessante de sentido, fica um convite para reler Alice como um desafio para reinventar a vida.
Este livro é um mergulho no desconhecido. Após anos de conversas com Alice nas mais diversas leituras, artes e linguagens durante essa jornada de incessante reimaginação, resolvi criar um projeto com imagens geradas com IA. Os prompts — textos de comando usados para gerar as imagens — foram criados por descrições, estilos, parâmetros, fotos de minhas próprias bonecas, colagens e assemblagens, desafiando a experimentação incessante em um processo de múltiplas transformações.



1 de abr. de 2024

How Doth the Little Crocodile composed by Stephen Barchan


Below is some information about the piece:

This setting of Lewis Carroll's How Doth the Little Crocodile from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland was composed for the Aldeburgh English Song Project in 2013 and first performed by the soprano Alexandra Hutton. One of the aims in composing this short piece, lasting approximately two minutes, was to explore both Alice's distressed character and the surrealism of Wonderland through the use of varied vocal techniques and irregular rhythms. The score was revised in 2022 and can now be heard in a recent recording made in London by the British-Pakistani soprano Mimi Doulton.

13 de fev. de 2024

post in Facebook by Mark Richards at the Lewis Carroll Society Page

"There has been a lot of interest within this group in Miller's 1966 BBC adaptation of 'Alice', following its recent broadcast and availability on the BBC website.
I thought LCS members might like to see this article from 'Life International' magazine from 26 December 1966, which features some lovely images in colour and a Miller interview/article."




13 de jan. de 2024

Pop-up “Alice Through the Looking Glass” Illustrated by Maxim Mitrofanov: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious


Pop-up “Alice Through the Looking Glass” 

Illustrated by Maxim Mitrofanov

3-D structures by Oksana Ivanova

 Published by AST in 2023



I am here enchanted by this rare jewel that is the pop-up edition of Alice through the Looking Glass illustrated by the Russian Maxim Mitrofanov with 3-D structures by Oksana Ivanova. Suddenly memories of readings and arcane experiences knocked on my door. When I was 5 years old I got a magical carousel edition of ‘Hansel and Gretel’ by the Brothers Grimm that I never found again, and from that inspiration I created sock puppets and built a small house made of sweets and cookies and would write and perform a post-modern play reinterpreting  the subject at school when I was just 12 years old. Along the way, I intensely experienced this mental effervescent idea that books, their inner lands and inhabitants hold mysteries and surprises and could reach our world.

The Italian writer Giorgio Manganelli once said in his brilliant
parallel reading” of the adventures of Pinocchio: “A book cannot be read; we dive into it. He is, at all times, around us.” And if opening the cover of a book is really like opening the first door that never closes again, I revisit in Alice through the Looking Glass, a story so well known that I have delved into, illustrated and crossed so many times, and meet again with its characters who rise from the horizontality of the page and live with me the desire for them to take on a life of their own and invite me to also go through the liminary space.

Eliza, the heroine of the story “The Wild Swans” by Hans Christian
Andersen, had a magical picture book, in which everything was alive. The birds sang, and people came out of the book and spoke to the girl and her brothers; but when the pages were turned, they returned to their places, so that everything was in order. With the memory of this tale, philosopher Walter Benjamin discusses whether it is the characters who jump out of the book or whether it is the (his choice) children who immerse themselves in reading their illustrated books.

Faced with this magic box, I would answer that both
can happen in imaginary realms. In one hand the characters jump off the pages, as if they wanted to create a life of their own, reminding me  the classics of Brazilian children's literature by Monteiro Lobato in XXth century, in which the characters from fairy tales stories and classics like Alice escape books to live new adventures in Yellow Woodpecker Ranch, a magical fictional land in Brazil. I have the hypothesis that one of Lobato's inspirations for the characters' escape may have been the vision of an Alice in Wonderland book with a pop-up page illustrated by the English woman Ada Bowley, whose illustrations are in the first Brazillian Alices, first adapted and published by Lobato in 1931. It was written in the cover: “Come to life panorama”.

CARROLL, Lewis. Father Tuck's Alice In Wonderland “Come to life” panorama. Ilustrações de A. L. Bowley. London - Paris - New York. Raphael Tuck & Sons. c. 1930.

In this case in my hands, opening the book is not just going through a door but also, literally, going through the looking glass in its brilliant cover full of enchantment and clever engine, and entering the full book as a Sheep Shop cabinet of curiosities, which I consider probably the most intriguing space in this entire adventure, with shelves full of challenges and interactive enigmas unveiled, but which become empty when we look at them. Here the look plays hide-and-seek, the hand plays once upon a new, the imagination crosses unexpected portals. At the same time, we also become Alices, interacting with the pieces of the game, talking to them and bringing to life the challenges that Carroll's text presents to us and Mitrofanov and Ivanova invite us to play again as an alicedelic literary toy.


Mitrofanov has already illustrated AIW in pop-up format in one also brilliant accomplishment but with fewer paper architecture. Also reimagined multiple plane editions of Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass with different drawings. I’m intrigued that I find out something obvious that I didn’t notice before clearly or just hadn’t put into words. Illustrations of Mitrofanov are very dynamic and alive, we can fell the rabbit running through the book, the pool of tears overflowing the pages, we are placed in angles that challenge our balance in Alice’s subtle terrifying transformations or falling through the earth, and so on. The illustrator has a brilliant imagination fulfilled with fairy tales and fantasy previous illustrated books, and witnessing his Instagram make me come back to the shelves in Sheep Shop, Eliza’s and Lobato’s books, or The Magic Bookcase of Robert Ingpen, and imagine the characters coming and crossing the little squares to begin new stories. 


But to find alicedelic curious details and unsuspected references in his Alices is a perfect work for the nexialist comments of @semperluxus, who has a magical cabinet of wonders for lovers of special editions of Alice and fantasy and her never ending multidimensional story. According to Semperlux, Mitrofavov’s Wonderland… “It's one of loveliest Alice books on the market, & is very richly illustrated - there are colour illustrations on all 140 pages, with a myriad of marvelous details in every picture”.


Images from: Ruslania  bookshop


8 de jan. de 2024

A mad cat by Dustin Myers (from Brain Gavy solo exhibition, 2013)


“How do you know I'm mad?” said Alice. “You must be,” said the Cat, “or you wouldn't have come here."

5 de jan. de 2024

Go ask Alice! by Amanda Elo'Esh

 I just played an alicedelic oracle, and that was the result! 


"The Go Ask Alice Oracle & Tea Party Game was created specifically to bring more magic and connection to your own personal land of Wonder! The Oracle side is full of archetypal wisdom to help you find guidance and insights into your personal challenges. There are guided meditations for you to explore your inner landscape more deeply and find the answers that lie within (maybe hidden under the Caterpillar’s hookah). The Tea Party Game side is full of fun conversation starters and activities to take the boring and awkward out of all sorts of gatherings. Each card will lead to an unusually delightful and out-of-the-ordinary way to get to know someone new, or to learn something new about folks you already know."  



30 de dez. de 2023

REFLEXOS [IN]VERSOS no País das Maravilhas

Obra "Lago de Lágrimas", compostas por milhares de luzes de fibra ótica criam uma paisagem íntima que os visitantes são convidados a percorrer | Foto: Farol Santander / Divulgação / CP 



Amostra REFLEXOS [IN]VERSOS no País das Maravilhas chega ao Farol Santander Porto Alegre com 10 grandes instalações imersivas e sensoriais.Exposição com instalações multimídia de grande escala inspiradas em Alice no País das Maravilhas. 

Vera Uberti, artista à frente do projeto, se apropria dos espaços expositivos do Grande Hall do Farol Santamder em Porto Alegre de modo a criar uma sucessão de experiências sensíveis, nas quais o visitante pode ir mergulhando e vivenciando condições que aludem ao estado de um sonho, que possibilitam uma viagem pelo universo de referências que a artista reprocessa mesclando suas vivências e processos criativos a partir de uma leitura pessoal de Alice no País das Maravilhas. 

Cada uma delas representa um personagem ou um momento central da estória com uma abordagem singular por meio de tecnologias digitais, luzes de led, projeções, fibras óticas e texturas reflexivas. A exposição é uma proposta de tempo e espaço destinado ao sonhar, não porque os sonhos devam se realizar, mas porque eles devem ser sonhados, por mais impossíveis que possam parecer ser."

Participação especial de  Pipilotti Rist.



Revista Onne e Only 

Farol Santander

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